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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH (German Development Cooperation)

Baghdad, Iraq
September 2022 - present

Senior International Public Finance Management Advisor

As the Senior International Public Finance Management Advisor for the Ministry of Finance of Iraq, am working under the aegis of the Strengthening Public Finances and Financial Markets (FFM) project, commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, co-funded by the European Union, and implemented by the GIZ in Iraq.


The program aims at strengthening the financial and fiscal governance systems in Iraq that would enhance macro-fiscal stability and economic development. Our collective actions should lead to improved budget credibility, improved and more stable public investments, better refinancing opportunities of the private sector, increased access to international finance and decreased dependency of public revenues on exogenous oil prices, and supporting increased rule of law and security.


This is being done through supporting the reform coordination function of the Budget Department through organizational development and management advisory; trainings to improve the macro-economic and fiscal forecasting capacity; building capacities in collecting data, predicting, and reporting on macroeconomic factors; capacity building on digitalization and gender budgeting; supporting the development of gender and geographic budget classification corresponding to the 2019 PFM law; facilitating the dialogue on the way forward for fiscal decentralization; strengthening the Accounting Department (Treasury) with short-term revenue forecast and cash management capacities; support to the development and implementation of a reform plan for internal financial control and external audit.