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The World Bank
Independent Evaluation Group

Ghana, Nepal, Sierra Leone
May 2016 - Dec 2018

Senior Public Sector Specialist and Senior Evaluation Officer

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Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR)


I led the preparation and delivered the Project Performance Appraisal Report (PPAR) for the eGhana Project following the due review process of IEG. Important lessons were drawn from the operation. The experience of eGhana project revealed that the project design must include those activities upfront that can directly contribute to the achievement of PDOs and can address the binding constraints to the PDOs. It also revealed that unlike the usually held belief that the FMIS should be implemented as a PFM project under the Ministry of Finance, implementing it under a larger umbrella of ICT project under the Ministry of ICT has its own advantages, especially those of using the wide area network created by the ICT ministry/agencies.

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I led the preparation and delivered the Project Performance Appraisal Report for the Nepal Second Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project after following the due review process of IEG. The experience of this project revealed that the project implementation arrangements de-linked from institutions with a legal mandate undermine the sustainability of the project and placing main stakeholders (women in this case) at the center of planning and implementation of a community-led project supports sustainable benefits.

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Sierra Leone

I conducted the project performance appraisal of the Sierra Leone Integrated Public Financial Management Project and critically examined the project design. The project hadn’t addressed the key binding constraints in the PFM, failing which despite having achieved all planned outputs, the project couldn’t deliver its outcomes. Thus, brought a major finding that project designs must address the binding constraints impacting the PDOs. Going beyond the call of duty, I conducted a PEFA Assessment to measure the performance of PFM systems to understand the latest progress of reforms for an accurate assessment.

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Implementation Completion and Results (ICR) Review

Conducted ICR Review for the Neretva/Trebisnjica River Basin Project and Malawi Second National Water Development Project, as the TTL, drawing major lessons for projects aimed at improving efficiency and equity of water allocation, enhancing basin ecosystems and improving drinking water supply and sanitation.

Conducted ICR Review of El Salvador Fiscal Management and Public Sector Performance Technical Assistance Loan drawing important lessons for sequencing and prioritizing of PFM reforms.

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Global Evaluation

Authored chapter on the Efficiency of Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) projects under WSS Sector Evaluation developing a robust methodology for measuring efficiency.

Conducted the Management Action Review (MAR) of Country Level Engagement on Governance and Anti-Corruption, as the TTL, and that of World Bank and Public Procurement as the Designated Responder.

Conducted evaluability assessment of public financial management including an in-depth portfolio analysis to assess the ‘programmatic coherence’ (what the theory of change was and how coherent it was), and, ‘stakeholder use’ (who the stakeholders were and what their main issues of interest were).